Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Time to Come Out

I think it might be coming to an end. It might be finally over. I can feel it.

Every Winter I go into a funk. Nothing else to call it. I blame it on the grayness of the skies and the shortness of the days because I don't have anything else to blame it on, but I'm not sure what brings it on. Denise tries to hide from me and I would too if I were her.

My photography suffers from it. I try to force myself to go out and shoot new pictures or to sit down and edit old ones, but I can't seem to get into the mood.

Something changed this week. The weather is better (it's been in the 60s and the sky's been blue) and I've decided to go to The Great Smoky Mountains National Park next month for a workshop.

Things to look forward to. Spring and a trip into the woods taking pictures.

Denise, you can come out now.
