Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Sign as a Reminder

I like signs. Old signs. Neon signs. Oddly worded signs. Anything with character.

I first saw this one while going through the small town of Lake City, Michigan heading up to the Upper Peninsula one autumn about four years ago, but I didn't stop.

I thought about it as one of those simple little missed chances. Something I should have stopped for, but didn't take the time to do so. I know it's silly, but that's been bothering me for those four years.

I got a chance this weekend to go back to that spot while we visiting our daughter who's spending the summer working near there. I almost didn't go out Saturday night to take this picture, but I'm glad I did. Not because it's a great picture, but because it's my new reminder.

I've got to learn that if you see something interesting, stop what you're doing and take your time. More often than not, we won't get another chance at things in life.
