In my last blog, I compared one of my images to one of Ansel Adams. It is exciting to see the same things he saw and compare them to how I viewed them, but these two images shown here give me an even greater excitement.
The small black and white one was how I saw this place, while the larger color version is someone elses. I'm proud to say that I like the color one better than mine; a lot better.
Proud because it's my daughter Sloans'.
I gave her an old camera of mine about a year ago and she never ceases to amaze me with the vision she has with it. She sees things with it that I never could. It seems like she has a magic touch with it. I was there at this same exact time as her, but I missed the cross in the front, and it's those little things that mean a picture is an image, not just a picture.
Maybe someday I'll see what she does.