Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fall is just ahead

Jean Klock Park
Benton Harbor, Michigan
Autumn to me means the color of the trees and the cool of the mornings. It means the hot summer is finally over and things can slow down again.
It's my favorite time time of year and I look forward to it all summer long. But even when the leaves haven't changed yet there's the taste of Fall in other places if you look for it.
The trees have started their little tease of color and I went out this morning to see if they had changed enough to make a difference, but they hadn't. I thought about giving up and going back to bed, but instead went ahead to the beach to see if anything there caught my eye.

The dune grass had changed color just enough and with the help of the morning sun coming over the dunes it made this image into something different.
But you still can't beat a good old maple tree in full color. Come on Autumn.