Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I was recently asked to be a judge at the annual competition of the local camera club. As I sat there looking at the approximately 800 images, I saw my photographic life flashing before my eyes.

I saw all of the mistakes; all of the attempts; all of the hopes that I had made over the past years.

I entered these two images into a large juried show about seven years ago and really consider them as the first of my serious attempts into photography. Thankfully that judge must have felt sorry for me because the top one was accepted into the show. If he had thrown both of them out, I probably would have given up.

I sat there judging others and couldn't help but think of all of the work it takes to put into making special photos and how I would have felt if neither of these were judged acceptable. It was hard at times to give the images a  low grade, and I do admit that I maybe bumped them up into the next level if they were even close to deserving it. The last thing that I wanted to do was to discourage anyone from trying.

I keep these two images on the wall of our family room. Not because they're anything to admire, but because they always remind me of how far I have to go.