Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Elkmont Cottage
Great Smoky Mtn. Nat. Park
I just got back late last night from a workshop in the Smokies at the Tremont Institute there. One of the places we spent time in was called Elkmont. It has a campground, trails along the river, and a fascinating group of thirty or more old run down cottages hidden amongst the trees of the forest and lining the river banks.

No one in our group knew the story behind them and I even stopped a ranger (well actually he stopped and lectured me for being inside one of the cottages) and asked what the story was. Sadly, he didn't know the true story and seemed like he didn't want to know.

But I'm going to find out. Why the owners left; when they left; who they were. Someone has to know and have written a story of it somewhere.

The little cottages, in all colors and shapes just sit there right in the middle of this National Park just as the people left them when they moved on.

Like a modern day Mesa Verde.
