Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pretty to Look At

Sequoia in Mariposa Grove
Yosemite National Park

On a recent trip to Yosemite National Park, I learned the meaning of something an instructor said in a workshop I took last year. It didn't mean much at the time; it was just something he said in a passing conversation when we were alone walking through the woods.

Sometimes it takes a while for things to sink in. Sometimes you just file away the little things, and all of a sudden they come back to you.

These images were taken in the Mariposa Grove. A wonderful section of the park with the magnificent sequoia trees dominating the landscape.

They stand there among the other trees----no I take that back---they stand there above all the other trees, with a special glow about them. Even if they weren't the biggest thing in the forest, they would be special for that glow. I've never seen it before and tried to capture it in my images. No matter how I tried, I couldn't get it just right.

Now, back to that little lesson.......

Pretty to look at, just can't take a picture of it.
